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Should I hold a rite of passage for a boy who is 14, 15, or 16 years old?

While 13 is considered to be the ideal age for a Rite of Passage, it is not the only acceptable age. Some fathers do not hear about Rite of Passage until after their son’s 13th birthday. It is still okay to hold a Rite of Passage event for your son, even if he is past the age of 13.

At 14, 15, or 16 years old, you still in the window of opportunity where it is beneficial to hold a Rite of Passage for your son. At that age, he will most likely still be open to the advice of other men and will benefit from hearing his dad say ““in my eyes, I no longer see you as a boy, but I consider you to be a man just like me now.”

If you have a son who is 18 years old and you are wondering if you should hold a Rite of Passage for him, check out our blog post here.

If you have a son who is in his 20’s or 30’s and you are wondering if you should hold a Rite of Passage for him, check out our blog post here.

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